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Bishop exhorts Catholics to ‘build a better Europe’ in EU elections on Sunday

Bishop Mariano Crociata meets with Pope Francis on March 23, 2023./ Credit: Vatican Media

The president of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), Bishop Mariano Crociata, encouraged all European citizens, and especially Catholics, to participate in the elections for the European Parliament that will culminate this Sunday, June 9.

In his exhortation, Crociata called on voters to exercise their obligation as citizens “responsibly, choosing candidates and parties that continue to build a better Europe for all.”

“The European Union (EU) is not perfect, but we want to improve it together using the democratic tools we have, starting with our right to vote,” Crociata said.

The Italian prelate representing the European bishops also stressed the importance of building “a better Europe for all with shared and authentic values.”

A better Europe, Crociata continued, includes “shared and genuine values” that “promote peace, both within our continent and beyond” as well as “justice, human rights, democracy, solidarity, and care for our common home.”

Crociata also referenced the more extensive statement ahead of the elections that COMECE issued on March 13 titled “For a Responsible Vote Promoting Christian Values and the European Project.”

In that document, the prelates pointed out that many of the European Union’s political and legal proposals “are not in line with Christian values ​​and with the expectations of many of its citizens.”

“We need courageous, competent, and value-driven policymakers who honestly pursue the common good,” the bishops emphasized.

In addition, last month COMECE issued a position paper “Strengthening the Culture of Democracy through Values” along with the declaration “Europe, Be Yourself!” that calls on European politicians to recognize Christian values as a main foundation of the European project.

When the elections conclude on June 9, the European Parliament and Commission will be formed and the results will impact the policies that the European Union will pursue for the next five years. This is the first European Parliament election after Brexit and coincides with elections in several other European Union member states.

This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.

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