Democrats for Life

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Kristen Day smiles while diaper shopping in Chicago amid the Democrats for Life diaper drive during the DNC.

Democrats for Life leader says party has left them

Aug 21, 2024

By Peter Laffin

Kristen Day of Democrats for Life of America denounced the pro-abortion stand of her party, saying: “We are the real... Read more


Is free childbirth the next step for the pro-life movement?

Jan 19, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

Childbirth in America should be free, say two prominent pro-life leaders representing both sides of the political divide. Read more


Citing abortion views, DC restaurant boots pro-life group

Jan 13, 2022

By Katie Yoder

Saying it “stands firmly” in support of legalized abortion, a Washington, D.C. restaurant has canceled a pro-life group’s booking for... Read more

Aaron Oliver thinks it's possible to be pro-life and a loyal Democrat. But party leaders want him to resign.

His fellow Democrats want him to resign because he's pro-life, but Aaron Oliver won't budge

Jan 2, 2022

By Shannon Mullen

Aaron Oliver thinks it's possible to be pro-life and a loyal Democrat. The leaders of his party think otherwise, and... Read more


Proposal for at-home medical abortion puts 'profit ahead of people', says prolife Democrat

Aug 20, 2021

By Christine Rousselle

A move to eliminate the in-person requirement for medical abortions and to allow abortion pills to be distributed through the... Read more

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Aug. 17, 2020: Pro-life democrats   Credit: Aaron of L.A. Photography/Shutterstock

Pro-life Democrats organize ‘Day of Action’ in support of Hyde Amendment

Mar 17, 2021

The group Democrats for Life of America announced on Tuesday that they will organize a nationwide “Day of Action” in... Read more

‘We will not be ignored’: Pro-lifers rally at Democratic National Convention

Aug 17, 2020

By Matt Hadro

As the Democratic National Convention kicked off on Monday, pro-life Democrats urged their party to adopt a “whole-life” approach that... Read more

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN). CNA file photo.

Pro-life Democrats hail Minnesota primary win

Aug 13, 2020

By Christine Rousselle

One of the last remaining pro-life Democrats in Congress won a primary victory in Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District on Tuesday.  Read more

June 7th 2020: Black Lives Matter protesters gathered at 16th St NW in Washington, D.C.

'The death of George Floyd will not be in vain', says Democrats for Life coordinator

Jun 11, 2020

By Christine Rousselle

The Georgia coordinator for Democrats for Life of America has called for renewed solidarity in the pro-life cause, following the death... Read more

Illinois Congressman Dan Lipinski.

'No higher calling': Lipinski says he is proud of pro-life record

Mar 19, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) conceded his primary race on Wednesday, saying that he stood by his pro-life principles even if... Read more

Chicago, Illinois/USA - March 2, 2020: A sign for early voting in the primary elections.

How coronavirus is affecting pro-life Democrat's primary campaign

Mar 16, 2020

By Matt Hadro

On Tuesday,  Illinois Democrats will choose their presidential candidate. Residents of Chicago’s south side will also choose between eight-term Catholic Congressman Dan... Read more

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

'A disturbing time in America': Pro-life Dems respond to Sanders

Feb 10, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Pro-life Democrats responded on Monday to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders' suggestion that there is no room in the party... Read more

U.S. Capitol, Senate side.  public domain.

Prominent pro-life Democrat quits party

Feb 7, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Catholic theologian Charles Camosy has resigned from the board of Democrats for Life of America (DFLA), writing in an op-ed... Read more

Pete Buttigieg, Democratic presidential candidate, speaks to the crowd at a political rally.

'We’ve had enough': Pro-life Democrat blasts Mayor Pete

Jan 27, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Pro-life Democrats are “fed up” over the party’s staunch support of abortion and need to let the presidential candidates know... Read more

Senator Elizabeth Warren on the TV screens debating. Election 2020.

Democratic candidates: Protecting abortion is ‘what we do and what we stand for’

Nov 21, 2019

Democratic presidential candidates struggled to respond when asked if pro-life politicians have a place in the party during a debate... Read more

After welcoming pro-lifers, Missouri Democrats quickly backtrack

Aug 17, 2018

Missouri Democratic leaders have voted to remove language acknowledging different views of abortion from their party platform, drawing criticism from... Read more

Lonely but determined, pro-life Democrats speak up

Jul 31, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

Former Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak has one word to sum up the plight of the pro-life Democrat: “Lonely.”  Read more

The consistent pro-life ethic can’t be ‘Calvinball’, prof tells pro-life Dems

Jul 24, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

Efforts to advance a pro-life ethic need to be “authentic, consistent and beautiful” if they are to combat the “throwaway... Read more

The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 28, 2016.

Will Democrats’ future include pro-lifers? The debate continues.

Aug 3, 2017

A leading Democratic Party campaigner has signaled openness to pro-life candidates, continuing months of controversy over the party’s future.  Read more

The US capitol building.

Pro-life Dems disappointed by Pelosi's re-election as House minority leader

Dec 1, 2016

By Matt Hadro

Pro-life leaders have expressed their dissatisfaction as House Democrats re-elected pro-abortion Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as the House Minority Leader.  Read more