Catholic News

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Group prays outside of abortion clinic.

British pro-lifers say abortion clinic ‘buffer zones’ harm women and children

Jul 12, 2018

By Ed Condon

After a decision from the United Kingdom’s High Court, two women are attempting to overturn a ban on prayer and... Read more

In Minnesota, Catholic Charities sues near-bankrupt diocese

Jul 12, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

The fate of a children’s home is the subject of a lawsuit against the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minn., by... Read more

Do views on abortion align with party platforms? Not always, polls say

Jul 11, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Abortion in the United States is usually thought of as a deeply partisan issue. The majority of Republicans in Congress... Read more

Croatia coach Zlatko Dalic

Croatia's World Cup soccer coach clings to the rosary as he finds success

Jul 11, 2018

By ACI Prensa

Croatia's soccer team will play Argentina in the semifinals of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, after running victoriously through a... Read more

Families at the US-Mexican border.

USCCB supports judge’s ruling for detained asylum seekers

Jul 11, 2018

By Perry West

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops applauded a recent federal ruling that barred the Trump administration from detaining asylum... Read more

A bishop's pectoral cross.

New Mexico bishop made coadjutor of San Jose

Jul 11, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican announced Wednesday Pope Francis' appointment of Bishop Oscar Cantú of Las Cruces, New Mexico to be coadjutor bishop... Read more

More Americans are living together and having babies before they get married

Jul 10, 2018

While the average age of first marriages is higher than ever before, more Americans are cohabiting and having children outside... Read more

Gunman shot and killed by police at Filipino archbishop's residence

Jul 10, 2018

A gunman was fatally shot by police after he forced his way into the residence of Archbishop Jose Palma of... Read more

Judge Brett Kavanaugh leaves the room following a meeting with Senator Charles Grassley at the U.S. Capitol July 10, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Pro-life groups react to Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination

Jul 10, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Many pro-life and Catholic groups reacted with optimism about President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  Read more

What happens when a church is no longer a church?

Jul 10, 2018

By Elise Harris

St. Catherine of Siena Church was built by immigrants in a Catholic Boston neighborhood, in the late nineteenth century. For... Read more

Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, who was elected superior general of the FSSP July 9, 2018. Photo courtesy of the FSSP.

FSSP elects new superior general

Jul 10, 2018

The general chapter of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, a society of apostolic life which celebrates the extraordinary form... Read more

Controversy flares over US challenge to WHO breastfeeding resolution

Jul 9, 2018

After critics charged that US delegates threatened Ecuador to prevent a World Health Organization resolution supporting breastfeeding, President Trump and... Read more

Fr. Michael Pfleger leads an anti-violence protest shutting down the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago, July 7, 2018.

Chicago priest leads protest against gun-violence, shutting down expressway

Jul 9, 2018

Thousands of marchers joined Chicago priest Father Michael Pfleger to protest gun violence on Saturday, shutting down more than a... Read more

Pope Francis leads pilgrims in praying the Angelus Jan. 6, 2018.

Pope: God doesn't meet our expectations – he surprises us instead

Jul 8, 2018

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis said Sunday that God always surprises people with the way he works, and because of this, believers should... Read more

Australia could boost funding for Catholic schools with new income ranking

Jul 7, 2018

Catholic schools in Australia could see an increase of up to $74 million a year from independent schools following a... Read more

Fort Worth diocese removes 'no gun' signs from church property

Jul 7, 2018

The Diocese of Fort Worth is removing signs notifying people that concealed and open carry of firearms are both banned... Read more

Pope Francis leads an ecumenical prayer gathering in Bari July 7, 2018.

In Bari, Pope decries 'murderous' indifference to a weeping Middle East

Jul 7, 2018

By Elise Harris

Joined by heads of Christian Churches in the Middle East, Pope Francis Saturday condemned the “complicit silence” and indifference of... Read more

Meet the likely nominees for the next Supreme Court justice

Jul 6, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

On July 9, President Donald Trump will announce his nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. Trump reportedly spent... Read more

Cardinal Kevin Farell.

After Cardinal Farrell’s marriage prep remarks, some Catholics ask for clarity

Jul 6, 2018

By Ed Condon

Priests, theologians, and lay pastoral workers have responded to recent comments from a senior Vatican official, which suggested that priests... Read more

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo.

DiNardo: Roe v. Wade support is not good litmus test for Supreme Court justices

Jul 6, 2018

The U.S. Senate should not use a nominee’s stance on Roe v. Wade as a litmus test on suitability for... Read more