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A room at MiraVia maternity home in North Carolina is ready to welcome an expectant mother and her child.

With every woman: How Catholic maternity homes are serving mothers

Jan 18, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

There are more than 400 maternity homes throughout the U.S. CNA went in-depth into three of the homes that are... Read more

Nicole and Austin LeBlanc, a Catholic couple in Michigan, who welcomed their baby girls and will lay them to rest.

Conjoined twins born, baptized, and confirmed before passing

May 23, 2023

By Francesca Pollio Fenton

Nicole and Austin LeBlanc, a Catholic couple from Michigan, chose to give their baby girls life and to share their... Read more

Amid recent attacks against pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes from pro-abortion protesters, Danielle Nicholson told EWTN Pro-Life Weekly on Sept. 15, 2022, that she owes her life to one.

Single mom credits maternity home with saving her life 

Sep 17, 2022

By Francesca Pollio Fenton

Danielle Nicholson found herself in a crisis pregnancy when she was 20 years old and turned to the Paul Stefan... Read more


This LA convent-turned-maternity home sets single moms and their babies up for success

Sep 5, 2022

By Pablo Kay / Angelus

Two babies have already been born to guest mothers at the house since opening earlier this summer.  Read more

St. Clare’s Home in Greenville County, South Carolina

Charleston bishop blesses new crisis maternity home

Aug 12, 2021

By Christine Rousselle

The bishop of Charleston on Wednesday blessed a new home for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy in South Carolina. Read more

A nurse at a clinic in Angola's Huambo province checks a patient and her baby.

Child's first 1,000 days critical to future health, experts say

Apr 1, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

The earliest days of a child's development, both in the womb and after birth, are essential to human development and... Read more