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Participants go on “a walk of Rome” to experience the city’s “art, architecture, history, and beauty.”

Truth & Beauty Project revives Christian culture through transformative experience in Rome

Jul 24, 2024

By Gigi Duncan

The Truth & Beauty Project, which was founded in 2017 by John and Ashley Noronha, is a nonprofit that encourages... Read more

A triptych of Pentecost with Mary at the center in the Temple by Mattie Karr at Holy Name Parish in Kansas City, Kansas.

Art as a leap of faith: Kansas artist quits job to paint murals to revitalize parish

Feb 22, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

Mattie Karr took a leap of faith into full-time sacred art beginning with two 15-foot-tall triptychs of the descent of... Read more

When Pope Pius IX declared the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary on Dec. 8, 1854, he had a golden crown added to the mosaic of Mary, Virgin Immaculate, in the Chapel of the Choir in St. Peter's Basilica.

PHOTOS: Discover 8 beautiful images of the Virgin Mary in St. Peter’s Basilica

May 29, 2023

By Courtney Mares

From Michelangelo’s Pieta to a 12th-century painting, St. Peter’s Basilica contains priceless sacred art depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary. Read more

Pope Francis met with members of a film foundation established by the Italian bishops’ conference on Feb. 20, 2023.

Pope Francis encourages filmmakers to ‘reawaken wonder’

Feb 20, 2023

By Courtney Mares

A good movie has the power to inspire wonder and to evangelize by reflecting the beauty of God’s creation, Pope... Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, Sept. 28, 2022

Let your beauty shine, Pope Francis tells young people

Sep 30, 2022

By AC Wimmer

Pope Francis on Friday told young people to let their true beauty shine, the beauty that is a reflection of... Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square on April 18, 2022.

Pope Francis: Catholic education is vital in ‘an age awash in information’

Apr 21, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis has said that Catholic education and formation are more important than ever in “an age awash in information... Read more

Pope Francis meets with Diakonia of Beauty, a group dedicated to celebrating sacred art, on Feb. 17, 2022.

Pope Francis: 'The world needs beauty more than ever'

Feb 17, 2022

By Courtney Mares

The pope met with a French Catholic group dedicated to supporting artists and celebrating sacred art, architecture, poetry, and music. Read more

Pope Francis inaugurates the new art gallery at the Vatican Apostolic Library, Nov. 5, 2021.

Pope Francis: ‘The Church must bear witness to the importance of beauty’

Nov 5, 2021

By Courtney Mares

The pope inaugurated a new art gallery at the Vatican Library. Read more

Pope Francis meets with the artists of the Christmas Concert Dec. 12, 2020.

Pope Francis: Art which transmits truth and beauty gives joy

Dec 12, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

When truth and beauty are transmitted in art, it fills the heart with joy and hope, Pope Francis told a... Read more

Bishop Frank Caggiano. Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Bridgeport

Bridgeport bishop says lifelong 'path of beauty' began with his parents

Oct 14, 2018

By JD Flynn

“Other than faith,” Bishop Frank Caggiano reminisced, “the gifts of how I was raised and who I was raised by... Read more

Participants in the Jubilee for Circuses perform for Pope Francis in the Pope Paul VI Hall on June 16, 2016.

Artists take center stage in Pope's latest prayer video

Aug 5, 2017

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis has dedicated the month of August to praying for artists, praising them in his latest prayer video as... Read more

Photo by Karl Fredrickson via Unsplash.

Bishop Barron: How to evangelize the 'nones'

Jul 4, 2017

By Mary Farrow

The way we evangelize should grab the world by the shoulders and shake it out of its apathy, Bishop Robert... Read more

Why the Vatican thinks priests should learn about art, beauty

Jan 29, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

Ugly churches with bad acoustics don't do justice to the richness and beauty of the liturgy – and it's this... Read more

Photo courtesy of Alanna Marie Boudreau.

For one young Catholic, music is an apostolate of beauty

Dec 29, 2015

By Hillary Mast

An up-and-coming Catholic musician in Michigan aims to expose listeners to God in the same way she did during her... Read more


Paris' stunning Sainte-Chapelle gets a makeover – with lasers

May 21, 2015

Known for its ornate rose window and towering stained glass glory, the thirteenth century Sainte-Chapelle in Paris has finally been... Read more

Curator Francesca Mezzano of Project 999, a street art project in Rome, Italy on April 10, 2015.

What happens when beautiful street art meets a Rome ghetto?

Apr 23, 2015

By Elise Harris, Jan Bentz

Street artists from 10 countries around the globe gathered in Rome and put their talents to use in creating an... Read more

Photo courtesty of Alanna Marie Boudreau.

For one young Catholic, music is an apostolate of beauty

Nov 15, 2014

By Hillary Mast

An up-and-coming Catholic musician in Michigan aims to expose listeners to God in the same way she did during her... Read more

Fr. Uwe Michael Lang, C.O., a board member of the Society for Catholic Liturgy, preaches during an extraordinary form Mass said during the conference on Oct. 3.

Link between Solomon's Temple, Catholic churches explored

Oct 7, 2014

By Carl Bunderson

A conference held last week in Colorado Springs by The Society for Catholic Liturgy brought together experts from multiple disciplines... Read more

Bishop James D. Conley prays with brother bishops at his installation as the ninth bishop of Lincoln, Neb.

Confront secularism with 'way of beauty,' Bishop Conley urges

Oct 6, 2014

By Carl Bunderson

Evangelization will be carried out by bringing beauty to Catholic culture and liturgy, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln told a... Read more

Fr. Quinn Mann, founder of CYE and CatholicFest, invited all the kids to join him on stage and sing a song during the last Mass, July 6, 2014.

CatholicFest mixes camping, encounter with truth, beauty

Jul 14, 2014

By Mary Farrow

For the past three years now, Catholic families in the Diocese of Green Bay and beyond have been marking their... Read more