Catholic Marriage

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Newly married couples meet Pope Frnacis in St. Peter's Sqaure during the general audience on Sept. 9, 2015:

Marriage doesn't take away your freedom – quite the opposite, Pope says

Oct 21, 2015

By Ann Schneible

Pope Francis on Wednesday said that contrary to modern notions, fidelity in marriage does not rob us of personal freedom... Read more

We need to be clear on what marriage actually is, synod bishops insist

Oct 14, 2015

By Elise Harris

Numerous bishops voiced alarm over the lack of a clear definition of marriage in the synod’s controversial guiding text, prompting... Read more

Newly married couples in St. Peter's square during the general audience on Sept. 9, 2015.

Marriage – between a man and a woman – is under attack, Pope Francis says

Sep 10, 2015

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis told couples to defend God's design for the family as the union of a man and woman for... Read more

A gruesome accident, a powerful faith – one Catholic couple's story

Aug 18, 2015

By Mary Farrow

It was a cold December day in Nebraska, and Ashley Stevens was riding in a car with four other women.  Read more

What's destroying some Catholic marriages? The answer may surprise you

Aug 14, 2015

By Kate Veik

Of the countless Catholic couples who have come through Father T.G. Morrow's office in Washington D.C. for marriage counseling, two... Read more

This 95-year-old Catholic couple died in each other's arms

Jul 3, 2015

Few love stories can say that they began at the age of eight. But for Jeanette and Alexander Toczko, they... Read more

Marriage rings.

A new love language: Post synod conference seeks ways to communicate truth of marriage

Nov 15, 2014

By Ann Schneible

One month after the intensely media-centric Synod on the Family, experts are gathering once again in the Vatican to explore... Read more

Catholic marriage preparation needs to better 'evangelize'

Feb 19, 2014

By Carl Bunderson, Kevin J. Jones

The head of a major U.S. missionary apostolate says that evangelization – not simple catechesis – is needed to prepare... Read more

National Marriage Week recognizes foundations of society

Feb 13, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

Catholics across the U.S. are joining in a celebration of National Marriage Week to promote the sacrament and vocation upon... Read more

 Couples at the Vatican wait to be blessed by Pope Francis on Oct. 16, 2013.

Engaged couples to meet with Pope on Valentine's Day

Jan 16, 2014

By Elise Harris

The Pontifical Council for the Family is promoting a special encounter between Pope Francis and couples who have been engaged,... Read more