Feast day: May 2
Athanasius was born in 295 in Alexandria, Egypt, and served there most of his whole life. He was ordained bishop of Alexandria in 328.
Three years earlier, he attended the Council of Nicea, where he defended the faith and the divinity of Jesus against Arianism, which was rampant at the time. He taught that Jesus was truly God and fully man, defining the Holy Spirit also as God. The Council was crucial to determining the orthodox teachings of the Church on the nature of Christ.He also fought for the acceptance of the Nicene Creed.
As bishop, he took responsibility for the welfare of the desert monks and fathers. Due to the difficulties with politics and Arianism at the time, Athanasius was exiled five times, spending more than one-third of his episcopate in exile.
He died May 2, 373 at Alexandra. His relics are in Venice, Italy.