Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico City said on Sunday that there is no mercy in euthanasia and criticized a new law on “living wills” that the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) is promoting in the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City.

The cardinal said he was surprised that the PRD is not addressing the problems of the country, but instead, pushing an agenda that focuses on their own morals. He said, “in a country with so many needs, a moralist agenda is given priority instead of proposals for true social reform.”

Questioned by reporters after Sunday Mass, the cardinal explained the Church is in complete agreement that treatment for terminally ill patients that only causes more suffering should be avoided, but precisely out of respect for such individuals, the Church maintains her condemnation of euthanasia.

Cardinal Rivera noted that the proposal by the PRD does not distinguish between euthanasia and avoiding undue suffering, and instead confuses the two, “making what is in reality an attack on the right to life appear to be an act of mercy.”

“By presenting their proposal as something merciful and innocent, they pretend to remove from public opinion the psychological shock that the word euthanasia carries,” the cardinal warned.