Operation Rescue filed a complaint with the Kansas Board of Healing Arts, asking for the suspension of abortion doctor George Tiller's medical license, pending an investigation into the tragic death of a woman who had an abortion at his clinic.

The group organized a candlelight prayer vigil today outside Wesley Medical Center in memory of the woman, who died from abortion complications there two weeks ago.

Operation Rescue staff witnessed the arrival of the woman at Wesley's Emergency Room Jan. 13. She had been transported from Women's Health Care Services, the late-term abortion clinic, owned and operated by Tiller.

Operation Rescue later learned that the woman had suffered severe hemorrhaging and had died a fews days later.

"We will not allow the plight of this woman to be swept under the rug,” said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. “A woman has died an untimely and tragic death and that demands investigation by the appropriate authorities. We will pray for justice to be done on her behalf and for comfort for her bereaved family."