Two Italian priests are outraged by a company that has used the image of the Virgin Mary for an ad campaign, calling it “blasphemy” and “profanity,” reported the AFP.

The ad in Saturday's daily newspapers shows a miniature statue of the Virgin Mary on the dashboard of a car holding a miniature wheel. The ad, placed by a company specializing in online auto taxation and registration services, was intended to their services in paying car tax.

"I find this is a clear offence to good taste, showing a lack of respect for all believers and a clear and manifest blasphemy," said well-known commentator Fr. Antonio Mazzi.

"I don't think it's altogether correct to exploit one of the most sacred figures in Christianity in such an unconsidered way,” he said.

Theologian and political commentator Fr. Gianni Baget Bozzo described the ad campaign as a "profanity."