A new study released this week in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health claims that adolescents must be taught to “love condoms,” says Abstinence Clearinghouse.

The study was conducted by Dr. Hannah Bruckner and Dr. Peter Bearman, longtime advocates of easy access to contraception for adolescents. It draws the conclusion that “adolescents must feel good about contraception if they are going to use it” and promotes contraceptive education, says the organization. 

In addition, Abstinence Clearinghouse claims the study is based on data from 10 years ago.

Leslee Unruh of Abstinence Clearinghouse says teens deserve more than contraception education. "A failure rate of as much as 30 percent is not good enough for our kids,” she said. “Only abstinence until marriage provides 100 percent protection against premarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases."