Jan 8, 2014
The month of January is named after the Roman god, Janus, who presides over beginnings, transitions, and ends. Janus wears two faces, the one looking back and the other, forward. 2013 is no longer within reach except through our memories and through history; the future is a blank canvas on which our stories must yet be inscribed. We seek happiness, succinctly described by Aristotle: Happiness is the full use of one’s faculties in the pursuit of excellence. The Book of Proverbs makes clear that “where there is no vision, the people perish; he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Prov 29:18).
So let us begin with some pearls of wisdom to inspire our comings and goings.
What shall my vision be in 2014? From Alfred Lord Tennyson, “Ring out, Wild Bells:”
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