Shane and Wilson should come and grieve with any of the 208 families of women who have died from abortion.
Maybe New York Governor Cuomo would like to join them, as analysis by the Catholic Center has shown that his so-called Reproductive Health Bill would permit unlimited late term abortion on demand. It would also “allow non-physicians to perform abortions,” and “preclude reasonable regulations on abortion.”
Perhaps Michelle Boorstein of the Washington Post, who has been relentlessly cheerleading for Carhart and Todd Stave, the owner of the Germantown abortion facility, would consider joining the upcoming vigil for the tragic death of Carhart’s recent victim.
These abortionists are not doctors. Abortion is a corruption of the art of medicine. Carhart, the “Butcher of Germantown,” as he is known in Maryland, has single-handedly killed over 25,000 babies for money.
And yet, says filmmaker Shane, “My respect for the doctors has increased tenfold…” Carhart, the hero of Sundance, had the gall to say, “At the end of the day, it’s about healthcare. We are providing a service to women.”
A funeral service is what had been provided in Maryland that week.
These are the heroes of “After Tiller,” carrying on, damaging women and killing babies. Robinson, speaking of her mentor Tiller, stated, “We learned at his knee. Kindness, courtesy, justice, love and respect are the hallmarks of a good patient relationship.” How coincidental that both now and when Christin Gilbert died after a Carhart’s abortion, the hero of Sundance, was nowhere to be found.
“After Tiller” also declines to mention, as reported by Operation Rescue, that in 2009 several of Carhart’s employees filed affidavits with the Nebraska State Attorney General’s office with details on Carhart’s practices. The attorney general and the Nebraska Department of Health launched investigations into testimony “…of Carhart’s unlicensed workers illegally performing medical tasks, illegal post-viability abortions, drug violations, financial malfeasance, and that there was often “dried blood on medical instruments.” The testimony also indicated that Carhart “had poor hygiene and rarely washed his hands between patients.”
“After Tiller,” depicting Carhart as a caring medical professional, is a great work of propaganda. During the agony of Christin Gilbert in Carhart’s abortion Nebraska facility, the record shows that when the medics were finally called, Carhart’s staff made sure to tell them, as recorded in the 911 call, “Please, please, please! No lights; no sirens.” And what did the medics discover in our hero’s facility? They found Christin Gilbert lying on the floor in a pool of blood, fluids, and coffee grounds, “in huge amounts.”
But there is more on our hero Mr. Carhart.
The medics found him on top of Christin. It was reported that he was “…trying to pump fluids from her stomach. Paramedics reported that they first thought he was a male nurse who may not have known what he was doing. The paramedics ordered Carhart away from the girl but he did not comply… One report indicated that the paramedics may have had to pull Carhart off her.” The report also said that Christin was bleeding from every orifice of her body. So much for the kind, courteous, and loving Mr. Carhart.
(Column continues below)
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I also recall that, as families and children walked prayerfully back and forth at the Carhart clinic on Halloween Day of 2012, Carhart’s staff came out of the clinic with trick or treat bags and distributed them to the children, some as young as six years old, and in some cases, before their parents realized what was happening.
The bags were filled not with candy and sweets but full of condoms and contraceptive devices.
But there is more. Shane and Wilson also forget to mention that Carhart, at one of his facilities in Kansas, maintained an incinerator inside of the abortion facility. There, indoors, he would burn the bodies of his young victims. After our promise that “Never Again” should such horrors be visited upon humanity, we have now tragically rediscovered in the 21st century, with Carhart and company, the smoke stacks of human flesh, billowing the remains of innocent human beings, in our so-called “civilized society.”
This is the gut wrenching horror of the daily work of the hero of Sundance.
This is what Todd Stave (also a “star” in “After Tiller”) and Nancy Samuels have brought to Maryland. Is this what Sundance’s Shane and Wilson need to glorify in their film? LeRoy Carhart is the man to whom the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, on the same day of this tragic death of his 29-year-old patient, issued a license to the Germantown facility, “… to perform abortions – without a single inspection of the facility” (Martelli, Maryland Coalition for Life).
LeRoy Carhart has lost all sense of humanity and in 15 years as a priest, I have never encountered a more soulless human being. One need only to come to Germantown, Md., to see what horrors he perpetrates.