Apr 15, 2010
The Catholic Church celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday on the Second Sunday of Easter, and the message of Jesus Christ’s mercy could not be timelier. Let us begin our reflection by recalling the origins of the Divine Mercy devotion. In the 1930s, Jesus appeared to a consecrated religious nun in Poland named Sister (now Saint) Faustina. Through her diary entries, Saint Faustina left us with a very vivid picture of this apparition, writing that Jesus was clothed in white with two rays coming from His heart, one red and one pale. Christ told her to paint this image and inscribe it with the words, “Jesus, I trust in you.”
Just five small words, “Jesus, I trust in you,” and yet they contain the summation of what it means to be faithful and open to the will of God. As we place our trust in Jesus, it leads us to a closer relationship with Him. These words should also give us peace in times of great unrest and worry: we can always and in all ways place our trust in Jesus Christ, Who loves us unconditionally.
Recently, we have heard much about the horror of child sexual abuse by priests in the Church. Nothing is more devastating or more reviling than the thought, let alone the reality, of sexual abuse. Such abuse is made all the more disturbing due to the fact that, in some cases, it was perpetrated by a priest, a man who is specifically consecrated to model Christ. As a priest, I can tell you that I have also struggled with feelings of betrayal and anger when considering how these men have brought dishonor on the beautiful vocation of the priesthood.
When we read news reports on this difficult topic, we must search for the whole truth, which is often difficult to obtain through the anger and sadness many justly feel. In order to seek the truth in its entirety, it is important to discover the facts about both the past and current responses to child sexual abuse. And while these facts make the crime of child abuse no less evil, they should be addressed within the proper historical contexts. For example, most cases took place decades ago, when the societal understanding of child sexual abuse involved counseling and rehabilitation, with the end goal being a “cure.” It is obvious to us now that abusers must be removed permanently from any contact with children. Further, the handling of these cases within the Church has also dramatically changed, due in large part to Pope Benedict XVI, earlier while he was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and now as our Holy Father. No one person has done more to reorder the processes which deal with delinquent priests and to protect future victims from experiencing such horrendous abuse. As you may remember from his visit to the United States, Pope Benedict is also the first pope to meet with victims of abuse, demonstrating a pastor’s heart. By the grace of God, the Church in the United States seeks to provide healing for victims and to put safeguards in place for all of God’s children.