Nov 24, 2009
Next Thanksgiving will find us, please God, at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. Our present celebration this Thursday finds us at the close of the peculiarly enumerated decade of the '00s. Not surprisingly, the New York Times' David Segal recently invited readers to get a head start on one of America's favorite intellectual fetishes: "name that decade."
"You know the rules," wrote Segal: "coin a pithy, reductive phrase that somehow encapsulates the multitude of events, trends, triumphs and calamities of the past 10 years."
Looking back at these past ten years, that's a tall order: from the now laughable Y2K scare, to the nightmare beyond imagining which was 9/11 and its aftermath, to America's painful soul searching about how to deal with Islamic terrorism, to our economic meltdown, to the ever widening chasm between left and right on issues ranging from stem cell research, to gay "marriage" to healthcare reform...
Segal suggests one possible name might be "the decade of the unthinkable" -- not a bad first stab in my opinion. Bret Stephens writing last week in the Wall Street Journal suggests, on a more dour but realistic note, the decade "of American incompetence" -- symbolized by the gaping hole in lower Manhattan known to the world as Ground Zero, an erstwhile emblem of American resilience and determination.
In our more pessimistic moments, many of us are honestly assaulted these days by the sense that we are witnessing the gradual undoing of our country through a mechanism of state and federal policies, programs and regulations which are antithetical to the core principles of the American experiment. Consider, not least among these, the aggressively anti-life agenda of the current administration, an ever more expansive "spread-the-wealth" mentality, the bloating of government, the bailout plan, the astronomical U.S. deficit, the creeping socialization of healthcare, and our paralysis in the war on terror.
We know of course, that our beloved country -- obviously imperfect in so many ways, but in so many other ways truly the 'best there is' -- is not the final hope of humanity. Christ, and only Jesus Christ, is the first and final hope of humanity. So, while it might be harder to feel thankful on this Thanksgiving Day, let me suggest that there are still plenty of reasons. How about these for starters?
For our faith in Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and Savior of the World;
For the enduring treasure of our Catholic Faith;
For all the good that, by God's providence, the United States of America has been able to bring to the world, beginning with the natural law principles embodied in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution;