Archbishop Richard W. Smith, 65, has led the Archdiocese of Edmonton since 2007 and has served in dioceses across Canada.
Father Paul Goo said he will be “supporting the coordination of the Holy Father’s communication in English-speaking parts of the world.”
With euthanasia rates soaring across the country, Canada’s Catholic bishops are appealing for greater emphasis on palliative care.
The lawsuit filed in British Columbia’s Supreme Court on June 17 wants the province to remove the religious exemption.
Cemeteries are the front line of defense against society’s secularism and fear of death and suffering, said the director of Catholic Cemeteries in Vancouver.
A recent survey showed that the majority of people in British Columbia support the right of religiously affiliated health care facilities to reject euthanasia.
Commenting from Rome where he is attending the Synod on Synodality, Archbishop J. Michael Miller said called news about the attack “devastating.”
After a 12-hour drive to escape the wildfires sweeping through Canada, Bishop Jon Hansen shared the story of his journey in an email update to parishioners.
The archbishop of Grouard-McLennan in Northern Alberta says he is saddened but “not overcome” by the loss of a 121-year-old church to arson.