On March 28, the centennial of the priestly ordination of St. Josemaría Escrivá will be celebrated with liturgical and academic events in Zaragoza, Spain, and in Rome.
Regnum Christi has announced that it will review the protocols it has in place in Spain following five allegations of abuse against Legionary priest Marcelino de Andrés Núñez.
In his latest pastoral letter, the prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, reflected on how Christians should live joyfully in the context of “difficult times.”
According to several statements released by Highlands El Encinar School in recent days, Spain’s National Police arrested the priest on March 6.
Spain’s minister of equality, Ana Redondo, said such an inclusion would be “a good way to protect sexual and reproductive rights and, above all, the freedom of women.”
José María Martínez, a teacher at Gaztelueta School (an Opus Dei institution located in Lejona, Spain) was notified of his second conviction on Monday, March 3.
The secretary-general of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Francisco César García Magán, said the conditions for Pope Francis to resign have not been met.
Sister María Victoria Triviño, OSC, made her critique in an article regarding the recent closure of a monastery that had been in existence for 700 years.
The Observatory for Religious Freedom and Conscience is calling on Spain’s Ministry of the Interior to strengthen security at the country’s cathedrals after an ISIS threat.
Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime has had to resign in order to take up his new duties in the Vatican Curia at the request of Pope Francis.
Father Zvonimir Pavicic, OFM, welcomed the recent Vatican recognition of the spiritual phenomenon at Medjugorje as a call to make the recognition more widely known.
Cardinal Kurt Koch reflected the tension between the two essential parts of the Second Vatican Council: fidelity to the sources and fidelity to the signs of the times.
“This way of accompanying Christian faithful who are in such situations does not correspond with the teaching of Pope Francis,” the Diocese of Huelva said in a statement.
Spanish Bishop José Ignacio Munilla warned about the theories spread by Father Pablo d’Ors that suppose a “crazy interpretation of the Gospel.”
Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa said that in the Holy Land “people are happy because this war has worn us down, exhausted us, and wounded everyone’s lives.”
Franciscan friar Paolo Benanti emphasized that “the reality we are facing is different from that of 10 or 15 years ago and it’s a reality defined by software.”
Pep Borrell is a dentist by profession, but his passion is to know and spread profound countercultural truths about dating and marriage according to the Church.
Pope Francis encouraged those present to be “people on the journey” who always have the desire to continue, “always with the desire to move forward.”
“The saddest thing is that those responsible are not aware of what they’re doing. Once again banality surrounds us,” Archbishop Luis Argüello said.
A priest prevented a man from taking off with an unconsumed consecrated host during the Mass for the second anniversary of the St. Lucy shrine.