A source has told ACI Africa, CNA’s news partner in Africa, that “experts” in Ethiopia are warning of a war between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
An attack on the Nazaré Training Center in Mozambique’s Archdiocese of Beira on Sunday left two priests and a religious brother at the facility injured.
The members of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ who were abducted on Jan. 7 in the Archdiocese of Onitsha in Nigeria have regained their freedom.
Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo raised a “red flag” about the pope’s announcement in Belgium about opening the beatification cause of King Baudouin.
The Diocese of Maiduguri announced that the flooding in Maiduguri, a city in northeast Nigeria, is the worst the region has experienced in decades.
Church leaders and groups throughout Africa extended their congratulations to ACI Africa, a service of EWTN News based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Church projects that had been halted in Egypt when the North African nation was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood are being resumed.
The secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, Father Valeriano Mtseka, described the late vice president as a “devout Catholic.”
Millions are expected to arrive at the Namugongo Shrine, the site where St. Charles Lwanga and his companions were burned alive, to celebrate the Ugandan martyrs.
Father Paul Tatu Mothobi, CSS, was found dead of gunshot wounds last weekend in South Africa.
Members of the Africa Christian Professionals Forum expressed their solidarity with the people of Rwanda as they remember the 800,000 people killed in the genocide.
“We pretend to be Christian believers and men of faith; we celebrate religious rites, but in fact we live as pagans and unbelievers,” Cardinal Robert Sarah said.
In a March 8 letter, Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala described the desperate situation of his people in South Sudan.
Disunity among followers of Christ is counterproductive to the mission of witnessing the Gospel message and evangelization, Cardinal Robert Sarah said recently.
At least 15 Catholics were killed in an attack during Mass on Sunday in the Burkina Faso village of Essakane in the country’s Oudalan province.
Lord Alton of Liverpool called on the U.K. government to urgently address persecution in Nigeria, starting with last year’s Christmas attacks.
Bishops in Malawi have prohibited the implementation of the Vatican declaration on the blessing of “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations.”
Cardinal Robert Sarah recently cautioned against the overuse of cultural elements over Christian ones during liturgical celebrations.
Most of the money has been spent rescuing priests, seminarians, and other pastoral caregivers who were kidnapped by various militia groups in the region.
Father Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, the dean of the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University, said synodality is about how people live.