Andrea Gagliarducci

Andrea Gagliarducci

Andrea Gagliarducci is an Italian journalist for Catholic News Agency and Vatican analyst for ACI Stampa. He is a contributor to the National Catholic Register.

Articles by Andrea Gagliarducci

Eastern European bishops want a focus on Eucharist, fatherhood in Youth Synod

Oct 12, 2018 / 14:04 pm

Two Eastern European bishops asked the Synod of Bishops in Rome for a greater focus on the importance of the Eucharist, the liturgy and fatherhood in the final Synod document during their interventions this week. 

Pope Francis in Vilnius, the 'city of mercy'

Sep 21, 2018 / 13:00 pm

Pope Francis will arrive in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Sept. 22. During his first day in the city, the pope will take a walk in the streets of the Old City, and he will head toward the Gate of Dawn, one of the ancient points of access to the Lithuanian capital. There, he will pray the Rosary and deliver a speech before an icon of Mary Mother of Mercy.

Scicluna: On abuse crisis, Church must go from words to action

Sep 18, 2018 / 23:00 pm

According to Archbishop Charles Scicluna, the pope’s recent decision to call to Rome the presidents of bishops’ conferences from around the world is a sign that prevention of abuse and protection of minors must be a concern for the entire Church.

Rod Dreher discusses ‘Benedict Option’ and Benedict XVI with Italian panel

Sep 11, 2018 / 18:00 pm

At a panel discussion in Italy for the presentation of the Italian translation of his book “The Benedict Option,” author Rod Dreher stressed that the “Benedict Option” does not mean living secluded from the world, but rather living in the world while taking seriously Christian formation.

Waiting for a new deputy at the Vatican Secretariat of State

Aug 9, 2018 / 15:00 pm

Pope Francis’ trip to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families will be likely his first international trip not to include the “sostituto,” or deputy, of the Vatican Secretariat of State among the papal entourage.

How papal diplomacy began a new approach in 1914

Aug 6, 2018 / 14:09 pm

Pontifical diplomacy took on a new approach in 1914, with the election of Benedict XV as pontiff. The viewpoint of that moment is captured in a snapshot: a report from the Secretariat of State on papal diplomacy, drafted at the time of Benedict XV’s election.

On 'Humanae vitae'- Pope Paul VI did not act alone

Jul 19, 2018 / 15:00 pm

Humanae vitae is not a “pre-conciliar” encyclical, Bl. Paul VI did not develop the final draft in solitude, and, the pope sought opinions before promulgating the text, according to a new book on the encyclical’s history.

Pope Francis might again visit Geneva, nuncio says

Jul 2, 2018 / 23:00 pm

Pope Francis characterized his June 21st day-trip to Geneva as an “ecumenical pilgrimage,” not a political trip, and for this reason he did not visit the UN and other international organizations in Geneva.  

Catholics are called to speak out against injustices, Hong Kong bishop says

Jul 2, 2018 / 16:29 pm

The Catholic Church in Hong Kong is called to speak out in case of injustices, but it does not compete with the government, the bishop of the Chinese territory told CNA on the occasion of his ad limina visit to Rome.

Why cardinals have ranks, and how Pope Francis changed them

Jun 26, 2018 / 15:45 pm

Pope Francis made an unexpected change Tuesday in the structure of the College of Cardinals, adding some curial officials to the rank of “cardinal bishops,” the highest rank within the college.

‘Humanae vitae’ is true, and essential to human development, conference speakers say

Jun 26, 2018 / 05:00 am

Though Humanae vitae has faced frequent dissent in the 50 years since it was published, that dissent does not detract from its truth, a law professor said at a recent conference on the encyclical.

Archbishop: Russian invasion of Ukraine is a ‘silent war’

Jun 15, 2018 / 12:34 pm

Speaking at the end of a closed-door meeting on religious freedom at the US Embassy to the Holy See, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, head of the Greek Catholic Ukrainian Church, stressed that “it is a matter of fact that the war in Ukraine has become a silent war.”

Lay rector a first at the 'Pope's university'

Jun 7, 2018 / 12:58 pm

For the first time in its 245-year history, a lay professor has been appointed rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, also known as the “Pope’s university.”

Analysis: Cardinal Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, at the elite Bilderberg meeting

Jun 6, 2018 / 15:26 pm

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, will take part in the Bilderberg Conference, an annual private gathering of global political, business and media leaders, set to take place this year in Turin, Italy, June 7 – 10.

With new cardinals on the horizon, what's next for the Roman Curia?

May 29, 2018 / 23:07 pm

Pope Francis’ announcement of a consistory to create new cardinals will also have consequences for the offices of the Roman Curia.

Gender theory flourished in an ideological vacuum, cardinal says

May 29, 2018 / 21:08 pm

Cardinal Gerhard Müller reflected recently on the rise of gender ideology, saying it flourished in the vacuum left by the collapse of fascism and Soviet communism as a “new religion”.

Humanae Vitae needs no update, commission chair says

May 23, 2018 / 13:00 pm

The professor who chaired a Vatican study group on Humanae Vitae stressed that the Bl. Paul VI’s encyclical “needs no updating.”

Analysis: With new appointments, Pope Francis puts his mark on the College of Cardinals

May 21, 2018 / 11:32 am

Pope Francis’ fifth consistory marks an important shift within the College of Cardinals: it is the first time in the five years of this pontificate that in a possible future conclave the number of cardinals created by Pope Francis will surpass the number of cardinals created by his predecessors.

International Theological Commission document proposes lived synodality

May 17, 2018 / 23:00 pm

A newly released document from the Vatican’s theological advisory commission seeks to explain and advance “synodality,” a concept of particular importance to Pope Francis.

Analysis: The solid grounds of the CDF’s new economics document

May 17, 2018 / 13:09 pm

The notion of “proximate immorality” is the most remarkable news in the just released text by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for the Promotion of the Integral Human Development, titled Oeconomicae et pecuniariae quaestiones.