Archive for July 23, 2010

Caritas Internationalis Secretary General Lesley-Anne Knight ?w=200&h=150

Caritas leader emphasizes need to assist marginalized AIDS victims

Giving a talk before the kick-off of an international conference in Austria on the AIDS crisis, Caritas Internationalis Secretary General... Read more

People praying during the National Day of Prayer.?w=200&h=150

Pro-family groups seek to join legal defense of National Day of Prayer

Claiming that the Obama administration is not presenting the strongest possible defense of the National Day of Prayer, several groups... Read more


Canonization cause for murdered Oklahoma priest moves to Rome

The archdiocesan phase of Fr. Stanley Rother's cause for canonization came to a close in a Mass this week at... Read more

Archbishop Jose Gomez?w=200&h=150

Archbishop Gomez gives moving farewell to priest killed in car accident

Coadjutor Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles has written a letter bidding farewell to Fr. Ramon Salas Cacho, an exemplary... Read more


Vice president of Paraguay voices opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’

The vice president of Paraguay, Federico Franco, said this week that if he were president, he would veto any law... Read more


Venezuelan president aims to shut down Catholic television channel

On the heels of an effort to review the country’s accords with the Vatican, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has... Read more


After exposé, Vicariate of Rome asks clergy leading 'double lives' to leave priesthood

After an Italian media report exposed sexual activity by gay priests in Rome, the Vicariate of Rome responded quickly by... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI?w=200&h=150

Benedict XVI working on third and final volume of ‘Jesus of Nazareth’

Pope Benedict XVI's vacation time is now being dedicated to writing the third volume in what could safely be called... Read more


WYD Madrid volunteers to assist 10,000 attendees with disabilities

The Alares Foundation in Spain recently signed an agreement with organizers of World Youth Day Madrid to recruit volunteers to... Read more


Vatican coin now in circulation

Coins bearing the image of Pope Benedict XVI are now in open circulation within Vatican walls. As of this month, Vatican... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop Velasio De Paolis.?w=200&h=150

Vatican decree details powers of Pope's Legion delegate

The Legionaries of Christ has made public the decree that describes the powers given to Archbishop Velasio De Paolis, Pope... Read more


UNICEF criticized for sponsoring promiscuous children’s television program

Salvadoran columnist Julia Regina de Cardenal has denounced UNICEF for sponsoring a television program that promotes unethical behavior and promiscuity... Read more


British deacon launches website to protect the Pope

A new website has been created to defend Pope Benedict XVI from media attacks ahead of his arrival in Great... Read more