Several intruders broke into a Spanish church, destroying the tabernacle and crown on a statue of the Virgin Mary.

The break-in occurred at the parish of St. Mary Magdalen in the Spanish city of Ciempozuelos during the early morning hours of April 13. Europa Press reported that the church's pastor told police that $26 was stolen out of a donations box and that the crown on a statue of Mary was destroyed.

The intruders also broke the door of the tabernacle and ransacked the sacristy, leaving vestments and liturgical vessels all over the floor. Investigators searched the entire church and parish grounds to collect evidence.

Several regional government officials recently visited the parish and the Poor Clare convent at Ciempozuelos, both of which are historic landmarks.

Police said the same intruders later attempted to rob three bars and a butcher’s shop, causing damage and making off with $427.