The Latin American version of “Catholics for a Free Choice” (CFFC) has launched a campaign to mobilize gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual groups in order to organize protests outside the Apostolic Nunciatures around the region.

In Peru, Catholics for a Free Choice is the new name of a previous anti-Catholic, feminist organization called “Manuela Ramos,” which underwent a name-change in 2009.  The group is currently using comments by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone linking homosexuality to pedophilia to rouse the support of homosexual groups.

CFFC in Peru had called for a protest to take place on Wednesday outside the Apostolic Nunciature, but because there was no turn-out it was re-scheduled for Saturday.

Similar calls for protests are being made in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia, where a protest held on Wednesday drew a crowd of less than 30 people.  CFFC leaders are using photos that accuse the Church of covering up pedophilia and of homophobia to pique the interest of homosexuals.

Carlo Polo, director of the Latin American office of the Population Research Institute, explained that CFFC “is seeking to create the impression that Latin America is against the Church, when in reality the prestige of the Church and the Pope have not been undermined by the media campaign.”

He added that the group’s “actions have been coordinated between certain agencies in order to create the impression internationally that the supposed ‘sexual scandal’ is affecting Catholics.  This is not the case and the counter protests many Catholics are organizing for this Saturday will prove which side Catholics are on.”