A leading medical association in England has suggested that doctors euthanize newborns who have severe brain damage or major physical problems.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecology suggests killing the babies is preferable to any extensive surgeries or treatments, reported LifeNews.com.

The suggestion came in the form of a list of recommendations to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.

While euthanasia is prohibited in England, the Royal College insists it be included in the ethical guidelines that are being developed by the Nuffield Council in light of new medical advances.

The physicians’ organization suggests that medical care for extremely disabled babies would be a financial, social, and emotional drain on the parents.

"A very disabled child can mean a disabled family. If life-shortening and deliberate interventions to kill infants were available, they might have an impact on obstetric decision-making," the group reportedly wrote in its report.

"We would like the working party to think more radically about non-resuscitation, withdrawal of treatment decisions, the best interests test, and active euthanasia, as they are ways of widening the management options available to the sickest of newborns," it added.

According to LifeNews.com, the group also said promoting euthanasia would reduce late-term abortions as parents could decide to kill the baby after birth if they decide the baby could not easily lead a healthy life.

The Catholic Church teaches that all human life, including the disabled, is sacred and must be protected from conception to natural death.