Archbishop Fernando Saenz Lacalle of San Salvador, El Salvador, reminded Catholics this week that failure to vote is a sin of omission, because the faith requires believers to collaborate with the good of the country.

He also exhorted Salvadorans to get to know the political platforms of mayoral and congressional candidates in order to vote responsibly in the country’s elections on March 12.

“Although democracy does not end with the electoral process, the faith requires we collaborate with the good of the country.  Absentionism is a sin of omission,” the bishop warned.

He also noted that with their votes, citizens are expressing approval or disapproval of the candidates and of government initiatives.  If a voter “does not find a party or candidate that coincides with his religious and moral principles, he should vote for the lesser evil, according to his judgment.”

Archbishop Lacalle called on the government’s electoral commission to ensure elections are transparent.  He also underscored that the Church does not support any specific party and that it is a serious sin to engage in the buying or selling of votes, which he said must be kept secret.