Buenos Aires, Argentina, Feb 14, 2005 / 22:00 pm
Argentinean’s Health Minister, Gines Gonzalez Garcia, told the daily “Page 12” this week that he is in favor of the legalization of abortion.
“Yes, I believe abortion should be legalized,” Gonzalez stated, adding that his position is based on his opposition to “maternal mortality and infant mortality. For ethical and health reasons.”
Gonzalez argued that the legalization of abortion has to do with health issues. “If abortion were legal, many of those mothers who do not seek medical attention or who almost die would be saved.” “The reproductive health plan prevents many abortions through the prevention of unwanted pregnancies,” he claimed.
President Nestor Kirchner has not made any statements on abortion or birth control, but he has not removed Gonzalez, who recommended judges publicly in favor of the legalization of abortion for seats on the Supreme Court.
Its not the first time the Health Minister has revealed his anti-life position. Recently he lead an effort to have contraceptives distributed free of charge as part of an AIDS prevention campaign.