The Catholic Bishops of Peru have formally asked their Canadian counterparts to stop funding pro-abortion groups in Peru through the Canadian Catholic Organization of Development & Peace. Investigations have left “no doubt” such funding has taken place, a Peruvian pro-life leader says.

“It is very disturbing to have groups which work against the Bishops of Peru by attempting to undermine legal protection for the right to life of unborn children, be funded by our brother bishops in Canada,” read a letter from the Bishops Conference of Peru to the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB).

The letter, published by Lifesite News, was signed by Archbishop Jose Eguren, President of the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference’s Family, Childhood and Life Commission. The archbishop said that upon hearing of the allegations that Development and Peace was funding pro-abortion groups, the Family Commission began an in-depth investigation of the Canadian-supported groups in Peru. The commission found that three of them support abortion.

“Each group either explicitly endorses abortion, and/or contraception, either by name or by its various euphemisms like ‘sexual and reproductive rights’ or some derivation thereof,” the letter stated. “In that sense, we respectfully would like to formally request that the funding for the pro-abortion groups in Peru by the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace be halted.”

The Peruvian bishops’ letter concluded by offering to help the Canadian bishops find “worthy Catholic organizations” involved in “authentic development projects” in the country.

“Our nation could benefit greatly from the generosity of Canadian Catholics,” said the letter.

Carlos Polo, a member of the Peruvian bishops’ Family Commission, said a “deep investigation” of the Canadians’ alleged financing of pro-abortion NGOs had begun as soon as it was announced.

“This doesn't only have to do with the Church in Canada but concerns all of us in the Church,” he said.

“Unfortunately, in the case of Peru there is no doubt. We see with much sadness how the money of Catholic Canadians goes to organizations that explicitly fight against what the Church teaches. The same people are usually our adversaries in debates and public discussions.”

Polo, who is also Latin American Director of the Population Research Institute, confirmed to CNA the facts of the investigation and its results.

Lifesite News has published investigations about Development and Peace funding for pro-abortion groups, but the charity has denied the allegations and called them “dangerously irresponsible and slanderous.”

Archbishop of Winnipeg James Weisgerber, current President of the CCCB, in a March 19 letter noted “several serious concerns” about Development and Peace allegedly funding five pro-abortion groups in Mexico. He also announced investigations into the allegations.