Catholic opponents of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ nomination to become Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have launched a new website which decries her “extremist support for abortion” and solicits petition signatures protesting her nomination.

The site characterizes Gov. Sebelius, a Democrat and self-described Catholic, as “an avid supporter of the most radical abortion politics.”

It notes her legislative and gubernatorial efforts to promote and defend unrestricted abortion access, criticizing her vetoes for abortion clinic safety regulations and laws requiring informed consent.

Also reported at the site are Sebelius’ connections to late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller, who is facing criminal charges for allegedly performing illegal late-term abortions. The governor hosted a party for Tiller at the governor’s mansion after he purchased the event as part of a fundraiser.

The site highlights Archbishop of Kansas City Joseph Naumann’s rebuke of Gov. Sebelius. In 2008 the archbishop said the governor should refrain from receiving Communion until she makes a worthy confession and publicly retracts her support for abortion rights.

The website also features a petition asking Congress to reject the nomination of the “anti-life” Kathleen Sebelius.

The Washington, D.C.-based group Catholic Advocate sponsors the web site. The group, whose executive director is Deal Hudson, says its mission is to report on the policies and voting records of Catholic politicians at every level of government.

“Catholic Advocate defends the social and moral teaching of the Catholic Church in regard to the defense of unborn life, the terminally ill, and marriage between man and woman,” the group says, deeming these to be “non-negotiable teachings of the Catholic faith” that cannot be ignored for political or prudential considerations.