With financial backing from worldwide abortion supporters, film maker Eve Reinhardt is traveling through Peru this week seeking interviews with bishops and pro-life leaders for a documentary she is directing and that—far from being unbiased as she claims—is intended to become an instrument for regaining financial support from the United States for making abortion legal in poor countries.

One of the pro-life leaders contacted by Reinhardt was Carlos Polo, director of the Latin American office of the Population Research Institute.  Polo discovered that the project is called “The Decency Gap,” and he met with Reinhardt to unmask her intentions.  The encounter was caught on video by Polo.

Polo told CNA that Reinhardt contacted him by phone and said she was an “independent” film maker who wanted to interview people on both sides of the abortion debate, that her project was not yet titled and that she had already interviewed bishops and pro-life leaders in Cuzco and Lima.

However, Polo discovered that the project not only has a title, but also an official web site (http://www.thedecencygap.org). “The Decency Gap,” Polo discovered, is not a neutral production but rather is funded by the fiercest abortion supporters from around the world, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes International and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

He said the project is intended to push for the end of the U.S. government’s Mexico City policy, which prohibits U.S. funding of organizations that carry out abortion or promote its legalization in foreign countries. Polo said the purpose of the documentary is “to influence American public opinion in order to regain access to tax-payer funds and use them for the international abortion industry.”

“Such a perspective makes it impossible for Reinhardt to claim she is impartial in the area of abortion.  Her interest in recording the testimonies of pro-life leaders was more than suspicious,” Polo added.
He said an interview with the Population Research Institute would have been of special interest to Reinhardt because “through its research into the abuse of human rights, it has contributed to restricting funds for the abortion industry more than any other entity in the world.  The evidence compiled on China’s one-child per couple policy and on forced sterilizations in Peru by the Fujimori government are only some of the actions carried out by the Institute that have meant a loss of more than $500 million for the international pro-abortion movement,” Polo said.

“This is always the way pro-abortion groups lie to us.  They invite pro-lifers to pseudo-debates that are supposedly unbiased only to later call us fundamentalists and backwards. This time it wasn’t even an invitation but rather a sick deception,” said Polo. 

“‘The Decency Gap’ intends to portray us as enemies of poor women, when in reality it’s religious groups, mostly Catholic and evangelical, that take care of poor women and their children when they don’t want to have abortions. The only thing ‘The Decency Gap’ and its collaborators want is to legally and financially protect powerful economic groups that have made an industry out of abortion.  And this is repeated around the world,” Polo said.

CNA has learned that following the publication of this article on its Spanish language news site, “The Decency Gap” web site was removed from the internet.