Vatican City, May 20, 2008 / 07:51 am
The Pope’s council for Social Communications will be holding a summit this coming weekend to strengthen its ties with Catholic universities and the ever-changing realm of communications.
A multi-national group of Catholic communications professors, will meet "to strengthen and expand the co-operative relationship" between the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and Catholic universities. According to a press release on the conference, the gathering also aims "to give the council a fuller understanding of the range of activities taking place in these institutions and a greater appreciation of the qualifications, talents and skills of those who work within them."
"The opening speech of the congress will outline the changing world of communications and the challenges that face all those dedicated to the academic formation of future professional communicators," reads the communiqué.
Other topics to be discussed are: “The identity and mission of communications faculties in Catholic universities in various geographical and ecclesiastical contexts”; “The ethical formation of communicators"; and "Preparing the study programme; how can study programmes in Catholic university faculties reflect the specific mission of universities?"
The May 22-24 congress will be the first of its kind and will be held at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome.