A self-described sexual health children's book is so graphic in its contents that material from it has been banned from a state prison and several web sites.

The book, titled It's Perfectly Normal, has been targeted by the American Life League (ALL) as completely inappropriate, especially since its instruction is aimed at children ages ten and up.  

Endorsed by Planned Parenthood, it contains written descriptions and cartoon depictions of sex acts, including two pictures of teenagers engaged in masturbation.  The text is dismissive of religious disapproval of masturbation and also discusses deviant sex acts.

Free copies of the book are distributed to children at an annual party sponsored by Planned Parenthood.

"How can anyone claim that this book is appropriate for 10 year-olds?" asked Jim Sedlak, vice-president for American Life League.

A few months ago a Washington State prison rejected a fund-raising letter that included censored images from the book for being "sexually explicit" and "obscene."

Book author Robie Harris was interviewed on the Planned Parenthood web site in response to earlier ALL reaction to her book.  In the interview she said "My response is that there is no response. I could spend all of my time responding to things that are said about my work that are not true. Or I can spend my time making sure that my books are up-to-date and the information is current, and I can continue speaking at schools ... and creating new books for kids."

Last week the American Life League examined It's Perfectly Normal in a video report posted to several streaming-video sites.  Even though it reproduced the book's most explicit content only in censored form, the ALL video was removed from vidilife.com, sharkle.com, and hi5.com for "inappropriate content," and flagged on another site to restrict viewers under 18.

"What an irony that censored content from a book intended for 10-year-old children is rejected by a prison, removed from video-streaming sites, and flagged for viewers over the age of 18," said Sedlak. "We actually have no objection to the actions of the online sites and the prison. We agree that this is not appropriate content.”

"We are calling for libraries, schools and parents all across the country to take similar action," Sedlak continued. "Planned Parenthood should be denied access to our children at all times. The material it promotes is totally inappropriate and could be harmful."