Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Sep 10, 2007 / 08:43 am
The archbishop of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, rejected calls to legalize abortion in the country and said the United Nations is “irresponsible” in supporting “therapeutic abortion.”
The archbishop reminded everyone that “nobody has the right to kill another,” and denied that the Church would change its position on the issue, “even if all of the countries do so.”
The Dominican Republic’s National Congress is debating the legalization of abortion, with supporters calling for the approval of “therapeutic abortion,” that is, in cases of life of the mother. However, pro-life doctors point out that modern medicine makes such cases extremely rare and they say that instead of promoting abortion, the goal ought to be to protect both lives.
The cardinal called on Dominicans to mobilize against abortion and he called those who support the practice “irresponsible,” including the UN. “Everybody who takes this path is mistaken,” Cardinal Rodriguez stated.